32 things I learned in 32 years
Today is my birthday, so I decided to reflect on my life and share with you some things that I’ve learned along the way. Some things came naturally to me but some things I had to learn the hard way. In any case, I’m grateful for these life lessons and I can’t wait to share them with you!
Sometimes things are better done than perfect (or never).
Сonsistency is key to success in any aspect of your life.
Learn to see beauty even in the smallest things. It really helps to appreciate what you have.
Learn to say “no”. It will not be easy but you don’t need to do things you don’t wanna to.
Become the person you genuinely wanna be friends with.
Practice makes perfect: you’ll suck at the beginning but you’ll be just fine if you practice more.
Never stop learning. There are so many cool things in the world, why not explore them?
Learn languages. They can be really helpful in life.
Stop caring what others think, chances are that they’re just jealous.
Never compare yourself to others: your point A can be someone else’s point B. Compare yourself only to your past self.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Most likely people will forget your fuckups.
Nutrition is a big part of your success whether you’re trying to lose or to gain weight.
Nutrition + sleep + sport = magic. You might not see it in the moment but you’ll feel it later.
A 5-minute rule can help you beat procrastination. Just agree with yourself to do the thing for 5 minutes and see how it goes.
It’s ok to make mistakes. Accept them, learn from them, and move on.
Live in the moment: tomorrow you might not have the means, or the energy to do things (I missed so many concerts because of this).
Don’t be scared to ask for help. If you get a no, at least you’ve tried.
Feel your feelings and process your emotions. If you don’t, it will backfire at some point.
The best way to solve any conflict is by talking. Tell people how you feel because they can’t read your mind.
If you don’t know what you want to do in your life, that’s okay. Try new things and it will come to you.
Treat yourself the way you treat your friends.
Being nice to people can open many doors in your life.
Take good care of your mental health. Preventative care is so much easier than trying to fix broken things later.
Don’t change yourself & your principles for another person. Stay yourself.
Less is more, quality over quantity (cut out those toxic people from your life).
If you don’t vibe with the person, just let them go. You’ll find someone else.
If it sounds too good to be true, chances are it is too good to be true.
You’re not a 100$ bill for everyone to like you (even cat videos get dislikes on youtube).
You will not become bulky when you start going to the gym (it takes time and effort).
If you’re doubting your decision - just do it! If it was a bad one, you’ll regret it later.
You are (k)enough.
Embrace the cringe because cringe = growth.
Happy Birthday to me and let’s see what the new year brings!