Learn languages with these ChatGPT prompts

Over the last year, everything has changed: how we search for information and learn things. Learning languages has never been easier. If you want to learn a new language, the first thing you will need is AI. In this article, I’ll share 10 ways you can use ChatGPT in your language learning journey.

Making a study plan

You can ask AI to make a study plan for you. You will need to specify your level, your goal, timeframe and add as many details as you wish.

For example: “I want to learn European Portuguese. My level is beginner. Can you please make me a study plan for the next month? My goal is to be more confident in speaking Portuguese and eventually, I'd like to take the CAPLE exam”.

Study Tips and Resources

You can ask AI for study tips, language learning resources, textbooks, online courses, apps, and websites that can help with your learning process. But bear in mind, that some resources might have different variants of the language you’re trying to learn: Brazilian Portuguese vs European Portuguese, French vs Quebecois French etc. So make sure to specify that in your prompt.

For example: “What resources can I use for learning European Portuguese?”

Ask for the most used words & phrases

You can ask ChatGPT to give you the most used phrases and words. This way you will have a list of basic words and phrases in your target language. If you don’t know where to begin, this could be a great start.

For example: “Can you please share the most used words and phrases in European Portuguese?“

Answering Questions

If you have specific questions about grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or any other aspect of the language, you can ask ChatGPT. AI will provide explanations and examples to clarify your doubts.

For example: “Can you give me synonyms to the word __“ or something more complex like “What is the difference between __ and __?“

Providing Examples

If you need examples of how to use a particular word, phrase, or grammatical structure, AI can generate sentences to demonstrate their usage in context.

For example: “Can you give me a few examples of using the phrase __?”

Practice Conversations

If you’re using ChatGPT 4.0, you can practice your new language with AI. AI can engage in simulated conversations with you in the target language and it can provide feedback and corrections if needed. If you’re using ChatGPT 3.5, you can chat with AI and ask it to correct your mistakes.

Translation Assistance

If you come across a word or phrase in the target language that you need help translating, AI can provide you with the translation and offer additional context if necessary. If you don’t understand the explanation, you can ask AI to explain it to you as if you were 10 years old. ChatGPT will use simpler language, so you can understand everything!

For example": “What is __ in (target language)?“

Grammar and Vocabulary Guidance

If you need a certain rule explained, you can ask ChatGPT about it. Are you having problems with verb conjugations? Ask ChatGPT to help you. Need assistance with idiomatic expressions? You know what to do!

For example: “Can you teach me past simple in (target language)?“

Proofreading and Editing

If you need to write something in your target language, AI can assist with that too. You can ask ChatGPT to review & proofread your texts and provide feedback on grammar, vocabulary, and overall clarity.

For example: “I’m writing a paragraph about myself. Can you please review the text and check if there are any mistakes?“

Cultural Insights & Dialects

Language learning is closely tied to understanding the culture of a community. AI can provide information and insights into cultural aspects related to the language you're learning. You can ask about the dialects or traditional dishes of the country!

For example: “How would a native speaker say __ in (target language)?“

While AI can turbocharge your language learning journey, don't underestimate the incredible value of good old-fashioned one-on-one classes. Sure, AI can teach you grammar rules, vocabulary, and even help with pronunciation, but nothing beats the human touch. Combine the power of AI with the warmth of human interaction, and you'll be well on your way to mastering that new language. Happy learning!


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